
My COVID journey began on March 21. I came down with the classic symptoms after spending the weekend with my sister-in-law who later tested positive. I thought I would recover in a few weeks which I did. My acute COVID felt like a horrific flu. It definitely impacted my nervous system because for those 2 weeks I had very strange symptoms. After thinking I healed, we were preparing for our trip to Long Island Bahamas. I was still feeling a bit tired but kept pushing myself thinking that was the best way because that’s how I was told you build back strength.

When we arrived in the Bahamas I was feeling out of breath and dysregulated. I just shrugged it off thinking it was part of my recovery, I kept getting worse and worse as the day’s past. My last day in the Bahamas I had a horrible fever, dizziness, shortness of breath, horrific insomnia, nausea and IBS. I wasn’t sure I would make it home. Back home I completely crashed. That’s when all the symptoms ramped up. I had everything under the sun:

Loss of vision
Brain zaps
I couldn’t lay my head on a pillow because it felt like lead for months
I lost over 25 pounds
I had internal vibrations
Numb hands
Numb legs
Horrible GI issues
Brain inflammation
Dry mouth
The list is endless

I started Dr. Patterson’s protocol which helped me calm down a bit. It helped me get to 60% but with it I incorporated breath work and meditation. The huge shift happened when I did the lightning process. I went from being bedbound to kicking the ball with my son in 3 days. I had many blips along the way, but I knew this was mind body because how could I go from being in bed to activity in 3 days? With that realization I kept believing in my ability to heal. I used visualizations and read mind body recovery stories to inspire me. I connected with fellow long haulers who used similar techniques to recover!

Now I’m mostly never home, I lead a super active life! I swim every day, I cook, I exercise, I drive and most importantly I know I’ve healed. I still get echoes but they’re just that and I quickly shift out of them. Life is marvelous again. I wake up happy and full of gratitude! I’m 90% recovered and I now know I’ll get to 100%! Here’s a picture of me with my son after a full day at the beach and then an outdoor concert! I eat what I want now, I dance and live a life I love. ❤️❤️❤️

March 2023 Update:

I am fully healed from Long COVID. I’m working, exercising and currently getting ready to go on vacation to the Bahamas! It feels amaaaazing to be back and honestly I’m feeling even better in so many ways. The power of neuroplasticity has been massively helpful in my healing. We’re going back home to Greece this summer and I remember wishing I could go back. I’m forever grateful and so happy to have my life back :)




