Brain Reprogramming Resource Page

Everything your nervous system does is designed to keep you safe, that’s its function. But sometimes the nervous system and neural circuits get activated and get stuck. 

Why does it get stuck? There are so many experiences that make their mark on our brains and bodies, such as biological influences like the COVID virus, psychological influences like past traumas or fear of future events, and social input such as the news, social media and other cultural influences. The approach that takes all of these experiences into account is referred to as the biopsychosocial model. Good name huh?

Unfortunately some of these experiences can have such an impact that our brains keep replaying the sense of threat, even if the threat has passed, which then creates a maladaptive response and false alarm bells sound. An interesting way to think of this is what’s known as phantom pain. Someone loses a hand but still feels pain in their “finger”. The brain is still sending a signal, but we know there is no real threat, as there is no finger.

I LOVE the Why Things Hurt video (YouTube) of Lorimer Moseley, a neuroscientist that really knows how to explain this dynamic. He’s funny too!

But alas, there is great news!  We can change this pattern! How? By interrupting and reprogramming the reactions to the perceived threats. That's where brain reprogramming or reprocessing comes to the rescue!

What is brain reprogramming/reprocessing and how does it work? It is a method to  identify what is being triggered and teach the neural pathways in our brain a more production route.

Here at Positively COVID we firmly believe that you have the power and ability to influence your own health.  But we were not meant to walk this path alone. Here are MANY trusted resources that offer tools, programs and support to help you find your way. You’ve got this!

Online Programs

Navigating chronic pain and mental health during the recovery journey from Long COVID can feel overwhelming, but there are many places you can turn for help. This curated list of online programs is designed to offer support, guidance, and practical tools to help you manage symptoms and improve overall well-being. From mindfulness and meditation courses to specialized pain management programs, each resource is here to empower you on your path. I understand the unique challenges of Long COVID, and I personally vouch for every one of these programs to aid in your recovery.

Mind-Body Therapists and Coaches

If you're on the journey of recovering from Long COVID and striving for overall better wellness, it’s never too early or too late to seek guidance. Here is a list of therapists, therapy centers, and online courses that can help. These professionals can provide invaluable support in training your brain, managing symptoms, and working towards a more balanced and fulfilling life. They can assist you in building resilience, fostering a positive mindset, and tapping into the body's innate healing abilities. These people are dedicated to walking alongside you on your path to recovery and greater wellness.

More Resources To Aid Your Recovery

Health Apps

  • Curable App The "biopsychosocial" approach to pain has shown significant results across clinical studies. Curable's unique design translates this approach for people, to help address pain from multiple angles - physical, emotional, and psychological.

  • Insight Timer The #1 free app for stress, sleep and anxiety.

    Supportive Organizations

  • Psychophysiologic Disorders Association — The Psychophysiologic Disorders Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with a mission to end the chronic pain epidemic and opioid crisis by advancing the awareness, diagnosis and treatment of neuroplastic symptoms that affect millions worldwide.

These real, physical symptoms (generated in the brain) include chronic pain, migraine, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue, pelvic pain, and other chronic or medically unexplained symptoms and are collectively referred to as Psychophysiologic Disorders.