My name is Gerry. In 1999 I suffered a chemical injury which took several years of research and trial and error to overcome. Chemical injuries did not come into the light until 911. In essence I suffered the same effects of 911 but a few years earlier. The POTS/dysautonomia I developed in 2020 was a yearlong recovery. Both were conditions that no one knew about so it was a lot of trial and error. I have successfully recovered from the chemical injury and the dysautonomia is in control by using positive thinking, diet, hydration, additional salt, compression garments and a complete holistic approach to include a low histamine diet.
When I contracted COVID I felt as though I had been there before. I had COVID pneumonia and was in the ICU 2 days and in the hospital two more weeks, and then in a nursing rehab over 3 months. When I emerged, I was virtually paralyzed in the sense I could not sit or stand and the dysautonomia relapsed. I had horrible cardiac symptoms, burning skin, pins and needles everywhere, worms crawling under my skin, etc. It was out of pure will, want and the reserve needed that boltered my journey to recover. But it was a rough go, truthfully, I spent days in suicide mode. I persevered.
I resumed my positive thinking, healthy diet and holistic approach. And I found resources that supported my goals.
I love Positively COVID because it totally supports the concept of self-healing and time and it is one of few if not the only sites that gives people hope. All of the other info I found online is gloom and doom. I felt so defeated at all the negative news on the internet regarding recovery but thanks to Positively COVID I had something to confirm my own beliefs in recovery.
My chemical injury was a body-mind injury, at least for me. I believe an initial large exposure to industrial chemicals shocked my system and put me in protective mode to later identify benign substances as dangerous thus symptom inducing. I also believe the same trauma of COVID triggers our bodies to protect us through ongoing symptoms to keep us safe, in place, in a reclined position to rest and recover. The problem is our bodies end up finding it hard to differentiate. Even though we no longer have COVID so in essence it induces symptoms when there is no danger…pretty much like my chemical injury.
Now, when I get a cold I ask myself: “Am I maybe magnifying my illness in the same protective way?” “Is there a reason I needed a cold?” and “Do I need to take a break from overworking?” As most long haulers know this illness is mind boggling and shattering to everything we knew about ourselves, our psyche and our bodies. We may ask ourselves the same questions about our COVID illness.. The most important thing is that we need to remain open to the answers.
I am now in my 6th month of convalescence and now I can walk over 60 minutes without a rest.... I have started to do my artwork again and sit up all day. Symptoms wax and wane but are getting less severe. I would say I am 50 percent improved. I have never experienced such a horrible illness, not even the chemical injury that I confess was almost as bad as COVID... I am hopeful that I will recover as I did before. What I know is that the body can heal itself under the right conditions and I want long haulers to know that most of them will get better in time. Medical science is accustomed to quick fixes and are not prepared for a body healing itself so this is a new concept to many medical professionals and also the source of gloom and doom for people suffering from long COVID who also want quick fixes. Dr Cole is located 10 miles from me. It is great that there is someone close who understands long COVID to treat it since most doctors are ill-informed.
If I had to predict I would say almost all long haulers will eventually recover but they must learn to respect and interpret the wisdom of their bodies and minds to nurture all that supports the change, and most importantly, that it will come in time. I have to tell myself this daily since I am finding myself recovering again and have a hard time heeding my own advice, even when I know it's true. This is still a challenge but I am functioning more normally finally! I still have a ways to go but can finally live through the remaining recovery calmly and positively. I will refer to Positively COVID’s website in my own recovery journey to find solace and peace in what I already know to be true and I am grateful I won't have to recover alone this time as I had to before.
Peace, Wisdom, Love and Promise, Artfully Gerry