Pause. Take a breath. Let the healing begin.

What We Do

  • I've been there, I get it.

    Trust me, there is hope. I’m Amy. I know you want solutions, and I’m sure you’d love some answers. Throughout my long journey of COVID recovery, I’ve been fortunate to work with amazing doctors and specialists and I’ve learned invaluable tools and practices for my recovery. It would be selfish of me to keep all this goodness to myself! Join me!

  • Our Mission

    Positively COVID is a global nonprofit building a community of support and health equity for COVID and long COVID patients, through the lens of practical, complementary approaches that empower people to pilot their own recovery with hope, humor and positivity. We aim to illuminate and utilize mind body practices that need more attention and wider application in general health. Through scientific and anecdotal evidence, we are witnessing recoveries from a broad spectrum of chronic ailments, including long COVID. Like the fireweed, we are here to tell you, there is so much beauty after the fire. You can start here.

The Three Phases of COVID Recovery


    You’ve been diagnosed.
    Your COVID recovery starts here.


    COVID long haul is real.
    We have tools to get you through.


    Hey, Strong Haulers!
    Your opportunity to recover stronger than ever is now.


Amy’s Latest Interview

In this fascinating interview Amy discusses the extraordinary benefits of meditation for recovering from Long Covid with the incredibly experienced Lama Tsomo. Amy shares personal experiences of how she utilized meditation to “take vacations” from the all encompassing effects of her Long Covid experience. Also, Lama Tsomo guides Amy and the viewers through a Tonglen meditation and explains the benefits of this unique, powerful and transformative meditation.


Help us spread Positivity.

Your contribution can help someone else complete their journey to overcome Long COVID.

Positively COVID is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.
