
Hello, my name is Monnica and I became unwell in 2022. For two years prior I had been on a journey of healing as I was severely unwell from an iron infusion. It completely ruined my body and the way it operated for two years. I had what is called Hypophosphatemia post iron infusion. A serious condition where all the phosphate drains from your body by mistake. This can have serious consequences if not treated early. I managed to recover though! It took two whole years and during this time the pandemic also hit.

I was mandated in Australia to take 2 vaccines in order to move forward from the pandemic.

As I was feeling so much better I also wanted to return to my job - teaching neuroscience at university. I received my third dose of the vaccine and from that moment on things changed dramatically with my health yet again.

I had a whole host of symptoms but the main ones which plagued me daily were chronic fatigue and pins and needles (neuropathy) all over my entire body. Allergic reactions to innocuous things/foods. No spot was spared. I experienced trigeminal neuralgia on the right side of my face and a constant prickling, pining and often burning sensations over the rest of the body, including arms, hands, legs and feet. The symptoms were relentless and insufferable. A heavy depression naturally settled over me in the coming months.

Parenting was challenging, being a good friend was hard and just everyday life activities became almost non-existent.

Through all this, I would have moments (even small flickers) of hoping that this wouldn’t be forever, however my symptoms never supported this as they seemed to get worse over time. I relied heavily on the support of my partner to carry me through yet another health battle which seemed almost worse than the first. He reminded me that healing would come. There were darker days ahead but as they came and moved, so too did I. I would read and watch anything related to the brain and the body’s ability to heal. However, I could never relate it to myself directly as the trigger for mine seems so “new” and unheard of by many. What was the same though were the symptoms. People had suffered for years with similar symptoms from all different triggers. So could this work for me?

I came across Amy and Dr Howard Schubiner- and I am eternally grateful I did as this spurred on my understanding of the brain and body connection and how neuroplasticity could be harnessed to help me begin my healing journey.

I am now living a completely full life again! I can take care of my children who are two very busy little boys. I go on long walks whenever I like. Long drives for holidays. I see all my friends again and feel like I can actually enjoy it all fully. There is nothing I can’t do again. I have small reminders that I am still healing so to put a percent on it is a little tricky ….but the 90% end!

What helped me on my journey?

  • Supportive friends and family were THE most important thing to me. As I had already had an extensive healing journey the years prior, I needed people who were willing to support me and stick around for the hard days and the good days to come. I am so grateful I have a close knit group of friends and an amazing husband who could carry me through.

  • Recovery stories. I needed to know people were healing from this. Although I wasn’t finding any from the same trigger as mine, I was finding lots of long covid stories- so I clung to those ferociously. Books, YouTube, Websites.

  • Humor- This one was always close by. An essential.

  • Self compassion. It is far to easy to beat yourself up daily with worry and wondering “why me” or “why am I not better yet” whilst you simultaneously watch the world pass by and your friends make great achievements whilst your sat on the lounge. But self compassion for where you are at right now is key. Go slow. Be kind.

  • Doctors- This one is tricky as so many Doctors were great and thorough in their approaches but just limited in terms of support. They know your nervous system is out of whack but have no idea the tools which would be useful to help. Many threw dooms day comments at me and told me I would be sick for a long time or just have to manage. I found one amazing Dr in Perth who has supported me endlessly through this journey. When symptom flares became unbearable he was able to support me with the right things to take. I used supplements and medications but ultimately this was not what got me better.

  • Brain retraining- brain retraining was so so important in my healing journey. Honestly it was the most important thing I did and I wish now I had not been so resistant to it. From a Neuro background it made total sense, but just not for my symptoms (right…we all go through this part). I started with the Lightning Process and had an amazing coach who helped me more then she is probably aware of. My healing progressed but it was not linear. There were so many set backs. I then embarked on the MindBody Reconnect and this is where I found even more healing and more tools to support me for life. This next part of the story is important.

I found the whole process so mind blowing and powerful that I have left my previous career and I am now a qualified MindBody Practitioner. I now support others who are in the dark with their symptoms to start their own healing journey and it could not be more of a privilege to be on the other side supporting them. The brain is clever but it can learn unhelpful patterns and symptoms very quickly, which ultimately is fantastic as it can also unlearn them!

Please reach out if you need any support or would like to embark on your own path to healing.




Sally (Video)