Rachel Whitfield, UK

Rachel has fully recovered from Long COVID! She’s shared her journey in several places including, Recovery Norway, Long Covid Podcast, her personal blog “My Long Covid Journey,” and this terrific YouTube video. Rachel’s story is so inspiring. She talks about the ups and down and then how she “rested like she’d never rested before.” On Positively Covid we talk about the importance of rest and pacing, and Rachel concurs, talking about how she “outsourced everything” so she could truly, deeply rest.

“It may seem like a miracle, as I went from being barely able to walk to the end of my street to running my usual 5k running route and 10 mile cycling route in the space of a week. I’m not as fit as I used to be, but confident I will now get back to where I was.” (From Recovery Norway)

Rachel was also interviewed by Harry Boby where she talks about going “From Bed-bound to Half Marathon.”


Omara Ohaji, Lagos, Nigeria, Africa


Sue Poncin, Tinley Park, Illinois, USA